AntipodeanSF Issue 315

By David Dumouriez

Well, LeeAnn had always had an exemplary sense of humour. No banter was too zany; no prank too complicated or too lame. That was just the way she was constructed, and the characteristic that made her popular from her childhood until the approach of her dotage.

Although she was seventy-four now, the youngest members of her family sought her out in preference to those who were less than a third her age. OK, her legs had gone a bit, but that irrepressible sense of fun was undiminished. 

“Let’s try it out on Gran-Gran,” was the typical prelude to the latest magic trick that one of the twins had learned, or any riddle that was currently going around sixth grade. And if there was anyone who would have appreciated it more than LeeAnn, then that person wasn’t to be found in a 200-mile radius of the Valley, that’s for sure.

LeeAnn lived alone now, having been widowed for nearly five years. She herself would have insisted that she didn’t mention Frank that much, but others might have said otherwise. Mostly, he was the butt of her jokes. The fall guy. “The old buzzard,” as she referred to him. In fact, listening to her, it seemed as if she’d barely liked him at all, so much so that her daughter, Sammy, had even started to re-evaluate her parents’ relationship and, with it, her entire childhood.

And so it came to pass that the accumulation of LeeAnn’s incessant Frank-bashing gave the twins an idea. In truth, he was more just a bald guy in a picture than anyone they could actually identify with. They’d ‘met’ him — if that was the right word — but they didn’t remember him as a living, breathing human being. Which made it all the more fun, then, to recreate him out of a state of oblivion!

“Oh, she’ll love it,” said Zack.

“She really will,” Jen agreed.

“Should we tell Mom?”

Jen thought it over. “Nah, better not. She’s not like Gran-Gran. Or us. It really missed a generation with her.”

Zack laughed. “Poor her!”

Of course it required research. But research was absolutely not a problem for Zack and Jen. Come on, their father, Jerome, was the Chief Robotics Designer for Myron Carse!

Yes, that Myron Carse. One of the richest men on the planet. The Myron Carse who developed and discarded, developed and patented, then developed some more. Robots, AI, that was all old hat to Myron. He was more into the universe nowadays. But the priceless junk scattered around the house provided an endless opportunity for the twins!

They looked at every picture of Frank they could find. 

“Hmm …” Jen muttered. “Not much of a looker, was he?” 

And trawled through any home video they could get their paws on. 

“Why is he always asleep?” Zack enquired. 

“Drunk probably.”

And, behind LeeAnn’s back, they managed to gather together a few rudimentary items of clothing.

“Did he always wear a dirty old cardigan?” Jen asked with disgust.

“Seems like it.”

“Anyway, makes our job easier.”

But it was easy enough anyway. Jerome had inadvertently done the hard work for them. For all they had to do, in short, was to command one master robot to command another robot to replicate a deceased human. From there, the final twist was up to them. To paraphrase CarseInc’s famous slogan, the only limitation was the imagination of the users. 

“We couldn’t! Could we?”

“No. No, I don’t think so. Could we?”

As ever, the consensus was that, whatever they came up with, Gran-Gran was going to have the greatest guffaw of her already laughter-packed life.

“Halloween? Or Frank’s birthday?” 

Zack gave it very careful thought. “So that’s October 31st, or …?”

“… er, let me check … Oh, that’s a coincidence! October 24.”

The twins looked at each other, then said in unison: “October 24!” 

Well, it was closer!


So they invited LeeAnn over to the house. That was the simplest way. However, they were a little surprised when she said she didn’t feel up to it. It didn’t sound like her at all and they even guessed it was another of her jokes.

“Not to worry,” Jen said. “If Gran-Gran won’t come to the party, then the party will come to her!”

Zack gave her a double thumbs-up.

And it was at times like this when you were glad you had access to a stolen supermarket trolley. The twins loaded ‘Frank’ into the back and wheeled him on the short journey to LeeAnn’s house.

“She’s just going to love it.”

“You’re right, Jen. It’ll make her day.”

So the way they planned it was this: they’d put ‘Frank’ right in front of the door, ring the bell, retreat, then wait for the fun to kick off.

Inside, LeeAnn was deep in her favourite chair, looking thoughtful as she focused on a picture that she was holding.

“A fine young man,” she murmured. “A fine young man …” Were her eyes moist?

Just then the doorbell rang. Once. Twice. Thrice. She didn’t want to get up, but… 

And when she opened the door, well, when she opened the door, she saw Frank standing there. A stunted version of him, perhaps. But it was Frank. Unmistakably Frank. Dressed as a buzzard. In a cardigan.

“Merry Christmas, dear! Ho ho ho!” (Well, it was the best voice sample they could get at short notice!)

LeeAnn shrieked. And howled. Then her face went into a kind of grin and tears began cascading down her cheeks.

“Surprise!” the twins shouted as they emerged from the bushes.

But it was too late. LeeAnn was down on the carpet. And she never rose of her own volition again.


Some months later, when the furore had abated, and the blaming and shaming had lessened, the twins managed to rationalise the event. 

“At least she died laughing,” Zack said.

“It’s what she would have wanted,” Jen replied.

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About the Author

David Dumouriez once won a poetry competition by accident and the memory of it still haunts him.

His hobbies include cricket, horology, and finding new ways to avoid talking about himself.

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Issue Contributors

Meet the Narrators

  • Barry Yedvobnick

    barry yedvobnick 200Barry Yedvobnick is a recently retired Biology Professor. He performed molecular biology and genetic research, and taught, at Emory University in Atlanta for 34 years. He is new to fiction writing, and enjoys taking real science a step or two beyond its known boundaries in his

  • Marg Essex

    marg essex 200Margaret lives the good life on a small piece of rural New South Wales Australia, with an amazing man, a couple of pets, and several rambunctious wombats.

    She feels so lucky to be a part of the AntiSF team.


  • Ed Errington

    ed erringtonEd lives with his wife plus a magical assortment of native animals in tropical North Queensland.

    His efforts at wallaby wrangling are without parallel — at least in this universe.

    He enjoys reading and writing science-fiction stories set within intriguing, yet plausible contexts, and invite readers’ “willing suspension of

  • Carolyn Eccles

    carolyn eccles 100

    Carolyn's work spans devising, performance, theatre-in-education and a collaborative visual art practice.

    She tours children's works to schools nationally with School Performance Tours, is a member of the Bathurst physical theatre ensemble Lingua Franca and one half of darkroom —

  • Laurie Bell

    lauriebell 2 200

    Laurie Bell lives in Melbourne, Australia and is the author of "The Stones of Power Series" via Wyvern's Peak Publishing: "The Butterfly Stone", "The Tiger's Eye" and "The Crow's Heart" (YA/Fantasy).

    She is also the author of "White Fire" (Sci-Fi) and "The Good, the Bad and the Undecided" (a

  • Alistair Lloyd

    alistair lloyd 200Alistair Lloyd is a Melbourne based writer and narrator who has been consuming good quality science fiction and fantasy most of his life.

    You may find him on Twitter as <@mr_al> and online at <...

  • Geraldine Borella

    geraldine borella 200Geraldine Borella writes fiction for children, young adults and adults. Her work has been published by Deadset Press, IFWG Publishing, Wombat Books/Rhiza Edge, AHWA/Midnight Echo, Antipodean SF, Shacklebound Books, Black Ink Fiction, Paramour Ink Fiction, House of Loki and Raven & Drake

  • Mark English

    mark english 100Mark is an astrophysicist and space scientist who worked on the Cassini/Huygens mission to Saturn. Following this he worked in computer consultancy, engineering, and high energy research (with a stint at the JET Fusion Torus).

    All this science hasn't damped his love of fantasy and science fiction. It has, however, ruined his

  • Chuck McKenzie

    chuck mckenzie 200Chuck McKenzie was born in 1970, and still spends much of his time there.

    He also runs the YouTube channel 'A Touch of the Terrors', where — as 'Uncle Charles' — he performs readings of his favourite horror tales in a manner that makes most ham actors

  • Emma Gill

    Emma Louise GillEmma Louise Gill (she/her) is a British-Australian spec fic writer and consumer of vast amounts of coffee. Brought up on a diet of English lit, she rebelled and now spends her time writing explosive space opera and other fantastical things in

  • Tim Borella

    tim borellaTim Borella is an Australian author, mainly of short speculative fiction published in anthologies, online and in podcasts.

    He’s also a songwriter, and has been fortunate enough to have spent most of his working life doing something else he loves, flying.

    Tim lives with his wife Georgie in beautiful Far

  • Sarah Pratt

    sarah pratt 200Sarah Pratt is an avid fiction writer and a Marketing Consultant.

    She is currently working on her first novel but loves diving into short stories to bring a little lightness, intrigue or humour to the day.

    Her work has appeared in Sponge Magazine and The Commuting

  • Sarah Jane Justice

    Sarah Jane Justice 200Sarah Jane Justice is an Adelaide-based fiction writer, poet, musician and spoken word artist.

    Among other achievements, she has performed in the National Finals of the Australian Poetry Slam, released two albums of her original music and seen her poetry

  • Michelle Walker

    michelle walker32My time at Nambucca Valley Community Radio began back in 2016 after moving into the area from Sydney.

    As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, I recognised it was definitely God who opened up the pathways for my husband and I to settle in the Valley.


  • Merri Andrew

    merri andrew 200Merri Andrew writes poetry and short fiction, some of which has appeared in Cordite, Be:longing, Baby Teeth and Islet, among other places.

    She has been a featured artist for the Noted festival, won a Red Room #30in30 daily poetry challenge and was shortlisted for the
